the Kindness Closet
changing lives, one diaper at a time

Our Story

The seed of the Kindness Closet was likely planted after the birth of our daughter.  Her arrival brought a lot of things that we hear on the news to a more personal level.  Stories affecting children, and especially babies, really hit home.

This seed was fertilized and sprung to life after hearing a simple news story on the radio.  One story in particular truly affected us and is why you are reading this right now.   It was a story highlighting a charity that helps homeless children in the Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex.  The story detailed that there are thousands of homeless infants and toddlers who are forced to wear one single diaper for 2 to 3 days straight.  They are forced to do this because their caregivers are unable to purchase diapers for them on any type of regular basis.  Even with the help of the highlighted charity organization’s donations these children are unable to have their diapers changed more than once a day.  Seconds after hearing this story, the idea for the Kindness Closet was born.

Unfortunately statistics point to a continuation of this troubling way of life for way too many children.   The 2010 census of Dallas county details that 47% of the homeless population in the county is made up of women and children-with 33% of those children under the age of 3.  The rising number of women and children in the DFW Metroplex give reason to believe that this is a trend that will continue.

As mentioned earlier, our firsthand experience with a baby and diapers opened our eyes to a whole new world.  Those with similar experience know all too well how often a baby needs changing in order to prevent extremely painful diaper rash and other major medical issues.  This discovery led us to stop and think about how tragic it is for these homeless children.  They are simply children who are unable to help themselves.    We want to be that help.  Our hope is that the Kindness Closet will provide them some of the assistance that they so desperately need. 

It has been stated that 50,000 diapers per month is the minimum necessary to distribute to the various homeless facilities in Dallas/Fort Worth Metroplex.  Our goal at the Kindness Closet is annually collect one month’s worth (at least!) of diapers to send to these various organizations and help these children.  That is 50,000 diapers a year that we aim to collect.

Helping out and making a big difference in the lives of these children is extremely easy.  Please click on the “PROVIDE” tab above to see just how simple it is to make a difference.